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Country Name
Iran, officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, is also called Persia.
Iran is located in Western Asia. It is bordered to the northwest by Armenia and Azerbaijan, to the north by the Caspian Sea, to the northeast by Turkmenistan, to the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, and to the west by Turkey and Iraq.
Reasons For Naming the Country
The name Iran is derived straight from Middle Persian “Ērān,” which is acknowledged as a derivation of Proto-Indo-European “ar-yo,” which means “the one who skillfully assembles.” The West has historically referred to Iran as Persia, owing mostly to the writings of Greek historians who referred to all of Iran as Perss, meaning “the country of the Persians,” whereas Persis was one of the provinces of ancient Iran that is now designated as Fars. According to Iranian mythology, the country’s name is derived from “Iraj,” a mythical prince and monarch who was assassinated by his siblings.
The original flag of Iran was adopted on October 7, 1907, and the current flag was adopted on July 29, 1980. The flag consists of three horizontal stripes of green, white, and red colors. The green stands for Islam, the white color represents hope and peace, and the red color represents courage in battles. the National Emblem* in red centered on the white stripe and the Takbir “Allah is the greatest” written in the Kufic script in white, repeated 11 times along the bottom edge of the green stripe and 11 times along the top edge of the red stripe, for a total of 22 times on the fringe of the stripes.
*The national emblem is a red tulip that is composed of five parts, which represent the 5 pillars of Islam.
The Persian language, also known as Farsi, belongs to the Indo-European language family and is part of the Indo-Iranian subgroup. The language is used for formal government communications and by public school systems. As Iran is a multicultural and multilinguistic country, several other languages can be heard, including Turkish, Kurdish, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Luri, Arabic, and Balochi. One of the most commonly spoken Turkic languages in Iran is Azerbaijani, The Kurdish language is spoken by the Kurds. In addition to the country’s widely spoken languages, Iran also has several minority languages. These minority tongues include Circassian, Hebrew, Armenian, Assyrian, and Georgian.
Iran is an Islamic state where close to 98% of the population identifies as being Muslim. The dominant religious group in Iran is Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslims are the second-largest religious group. Shia Muslims make up the largest religious group in Iran, with 93% of the population, Shia Islam has three main divisions, which are Zaidis, Ismailis, and Ithna Asharis (Twelvers or Imamis). The religious minority groups in Iran include Christians, Baha’is, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Mandaeans. The Constitution allows for religious freedom as long as it is within the provisions of the law.
Iranian Riyal (ریال) (IRR).
Time Zone
+04:30 GMT. (Daylight Saving Time).
+03:30 GMT.
Government Regime
Unitary Khomeinist presidential Islamic republic.
Iran is a vast country with different climates: mild and quite wet on the coast of the Caspian Sea, continental and arid on the plateau, cold in the high mountains, and desert and hot on the southern coast, and the southeast.
Iran is a dry country; however, in the west and the north, the rains are a bit more plentiful than in the east and the south. Summer is sunny everywhere (except on the shores of the Caspian Sea).
The best time to visit Iran is in Spring, especially in April, when it is still a bit cold in the north and the mountains, and can already be hot in the south, in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, and even more so in Sistan and Baluchistan. Autumn can be nice as well, especially in October.
International Phone Code
Internet Code
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